
July 2024

August 25, 2003


Posted by: Louis @ 7:42 pm

Received the June exam results and the notes for the Module B project in the mail today.

Very often people wait for a sign before doing something. Well, this is a sign alright: a sign to start studying! 😉

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August 18, 2003

Day of reckoning

Posted by: Louis @ 9:22 pm

Two months after our gruelling exam back in June, notification (by email) of the results came out tonight.

Although managed to pass both the project and the exam (need to pass both in order to pass the module as a whole), it was nevertheless quite a shock to see the results. As a matter of fact, I just scraped through for the project by the huge margin of 1 mark (or 2 depending on if 50 is considered pass or not…)!
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August 5, 2003

Women "drivers"

Posted by: Louis @ 12:46 pm

I really enjoyed this one-liner from last week’s class :laugh:

“My wife’s a driver too.”

“She drives me crazy all the time!”

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July 23, 2003


Posted by: Louis @ 8:17 pm

Some quotable quotes from last Thursday’s class:

“NAV = Net Asset Value = Not Anderson Valuation”

“NCR = National Cash Register = Not Completely Reliable”

“A fish cannot survive if the water is very clear.”

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July 18, 2003


Posted by: Louis @ 12:14 pm

I guess I won’t be disputed when I say that we had a rather entertaining class about risk management (maybe investment!?) yesterday?

Well, in case anyone is curious about the U-turn stuff that Patrick mentioned last night, I think this is the long article he had in mind. Enjoy!

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July 17, 2003

Holidays over…

Posted by: Louis @ 12:04 pm

“Holidays” finally over… This week marks the beginning of module B: Financial Strategy and Risk Management.

I can already see everybody very fired up about the course – or, maybe not! Seriously though, from the volley of questions during the class, seems people are more attuned to the course now. 🙂
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June 11, 2003

Smiling faces

Posted by: Louis @ 12:36 am

Here is the list of shorthands for using the smiley symbols in your posts and comments. By the way, this works in any Text Formatting mode.
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Authoring: intermediate

Posted by: Louis @ 12:30 am

Now, after the gentle introduction given in Authoring: basic, this piece will deal with more complicated features of Movable Type and so will be more long-winded. 🙂
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Authoring: basic

Posted by: Louis @ 12:25 am

The process of writing new entries for this weblog is actually very simple. Everything is done using a web browser, e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, etc. Drop me a mail if you would like to be an author here.

In short, the steps are:

  1. Log in using the username and password which I supply. You should change the password after first logging in for the first time.
  2. Select New entry from the menu on the left.
  3. Fill in the Title, Category (where available), and start typing!
  4. When you are done, change the Post Status to Publish.
  5. Always remember to Save, so that your changes are reflected on the website.

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June 9, 2003

School is out

Posted by: Louis @ 9:20 pm

Yesterday, had our first official outing. Since school was out, we took time out to practice some ‘healthy lifestyle’ and spent an afternoon rollerblading at East Coast. Present were: Jack, Dafei, myself, Angie and her hubbie, Mei Mei and Kamesha. Well, actually, William was there too but had to go ‘swimming’ after lunch! :rolleyes:

Weather-wise, we had the works: from bright sunny day, to late afternoon downpour. Luckily it cleared up soon enough so that we could have a second session. However, that also meant that after the rain many people would head out at the same time, and a serious traffic jam near the McDonald’s area.
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